Video installation by Maria Wang Kvalheim
Exhibited at Tou scene in Stavanger 2019 as part of the group exhibition Portal.
Concept, scenography, sound, video & photos: Maria Wang Kvalheim
Performer: Kaja Mærk Egeberg
The site is an old beer factory and had 8 big halls of exhibition space. Every artist worked in one hall each, taking in consideration the given space and the architectural potential.
We worked with choreography on the carpet being the only world and place to move.
The work arrived from the following poem by Mari Pitkänen:
My tooth moved
Tooth down in front
Dog tooth
Dog teeth
I feel it slowly proceed
Off from its place
Perhaps proceed
Out of body
Out of that
body business
Of me
I am
MA I--
My tooth belike
Dog teeth glowing artifacts
Ears hear the scratch of furry ear
Mother’s long nails carve my ears
Little bits of dry skin she collects between the finger skin and nail
I want to live here
Mouth talking milky words
I thought I would taste if they’re good or not
And then - But I think - it always feels a bit different
Squeaky teeth
Falsely cut
All waters are out, heads turn
Mother body with its heaps
Sweet heaps turn me
Bearded mother, bearded daughter, dog whisker
All of them show teeth
I can sleep here
Place back teeth
Place back books
From the milky mouth
Off from their place
Make mouth feel better
Mouth so easily disjointed
Saying falsely words
Shut it crack
Stop leaking steamy breath
Teeth be warriors
Clean glossy squeaky teeth